Let's Discuss. A Pop Culture and Law Podcast.
Let's Discuss. A Pop Culture and Law Podcast.
Estate Planning & Non-Profits: The First Wives Club and The Paul Newman Foundation
Welcome to the THIRD season of our podcast Let’s Discuss, Law and Pop Culture, in this space we talk about movies and celebrity cases that deal with Estate Planning matters and discuss if that really happens in real life or what they could have done instead. We are starting this season with a topic we have yet to touch on: Non-Profits and Foundations. We begin by discussing the classic 90’s romcom featuring Diane Keaton, Goldie Hawn, and Bette Midler: The First Wives Club. In this film, the three divorced women seek revenge against their emotionally neglecting exes and end up founding a Crisis Center for Women. Later on, we talk about actor and philanthropist Paul Newman and the legal hassle his foundation currently finds itself in because his daughters decided to sue it!
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